I'm not a fan of Mother's day. I miss my Mom the most on this day. So, if I ignore all the talk about Mother's day and just think that my kids and husband are extra adoring, it becomes all about me and no one else. Maybe I should think like this everyday!
We skipped church. (I have bawled like a baby the last 4 years, so the new tactic of ignoring Mother's day would mean not hearing a sermon on loving your Mother) Troy and the kids gave me a new Bible. I have been wanting the Message for a while. And Liv made me a bookmark to go with a journal she got at school. I went to the store to pick up some ingredients for a special dinner. Shopping alone is still a lovely treat, I don't take that for granted. I wanted to note, I did make dinner, but I wanted to, I knew exactly want I wanted and how I wanted it. It is stressful to take 3 young kids to a crowed restaurant, so why bother when I'd be happier at home? We also did some yard work, played outside, and chilled out. It was a nice, slow day.
This was our dinner. YUM!
Lobster, corn on the cob, spinach salad
with toasted bread spread with goat cheese and roasted peppers.
And Dessert
Vanilla and Cocconut cream pastries
with strawberries and blackberries