The BEST NEWS is here!
Margaret Raye has arrived!
June 7, 2010. At 8:33 AM
She was 8 lbs 10 oz, and 21-1/4 in.
Maggie has dark hair, those steel baby blue eyes, and has won the hearts of the whole family- especially new big sister Virginia.
Our family of 6 feels pretty great. It doesn't even feel like there is a lot of adjusting to do. But maybe that is because Troy has been super amazing. I don't think I washed a dish or made a meal for the kids the whole first week (and I didn't even have to ask him!). I pink puffy heart that man!
But forget the new baby, everyone wants to know what happened to the splinter, don't you? None of those recovery nurses would do anything about it!! They kept saying, "Wow, that is bad. I bet it hurts. You should do something about that...." WHAT? Well, here comes the REAL pioneer woman story. I got it out MYSELF! Look at that baby!
And the feet are STILL swollen. The tooth pain has elevated to an insane level (the surgery is set for Friday). I decided I am not a pioneer women, so I can complain about it. Ahhhh- it hurts!!!!!
Back to the baby.....
*Tues, June the 1st was my last OB appt. The Dr said don't bother making another appt since I was 2 cm dilated and ready to go. If she hasn't come by Monday, call in and we will talk about what to do next. I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions for a month now, and lots of "is this it?" times when the contractions where happening hard and close, but not regular.Monday morning at 2AM I woke up with contractions that were 6 mins apart. I waited about 45 mins before I decided that "this was it" and started making calls. I called my friend Jacquie first, but it went to voice mail. I called a few other people I don't mind waking up in the middle of the night, but more voice mails. So, I called Jax's sister, Aly and asked her to wake up her sister. ha ha. In record time that girl was here to surprise the kids when they woke up (I still need to get that story, but I've been a terrible slacker in the communications dept). Troy and I took our sweet time getting to St. Joseph's hospital since the contractions weren't bad. We got there at 4AM. I was only 5 cms.
Now I have a terrible concept of time, but the events followed like this- got into the L&D room, water broke, I was past the point of getting an epi, so that was decided. I was NOT prepared for the continuous pain after that. Before, I had those lovely in-between-contraction rests to refocus and prepare for the next one. The epi really dulls the in-between pain and you just feel pressure with contractions. With no breathers, I felt like I was losing it. Troy and the nurses said I was not bad, but in my mind, it wasn't the controlled birth I imagined (or like the previous births).
The worst was that I don't remember a lot of it. Troy said the nurses would ask me to turn over, or move this way and I would just say, "Ok, ok, ok....." or and not do it. I don't remember them asking me. And I didn't know that Troy got to deliver Maggie until the next day when he told someone who was visiting! I didn't even know the cord was around her neck until a week later! I'm still getting the whole story. So much for a no drug, clear minded birth. :(
But, no matter how she got here (Praise the Lord for no complications!) or what I remember, Maggie is a sweet, perfect addition to our family. She is snuggled in my sling as I type and I love this feeling!