
This is nothing special, well to you anyway. I'm not a scrapbook type, or a baby book writer, or even a picture printer. I'm terrible at recording memories. This blog is my attempt at holding on to some of my life as a Christian, a wife, and a homeschooling Mom of 5. I am a country girl that lived in a big city for 14 years, and moved to the Deep South for quiet, quaint, small town living.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Virginia Jane is TWO!

This entire year, Ginnie has shown us that she is her own person.  I don't think the terrible twos will change much of that!  Whether it is arguing, sharing, getting a boo boo ice pack for someone, or choosing the toy she wants, it is ALL her decision.  Nothing can sway her choice, but her own ideas.  Strong willed, Spirited, Passionate Virginia!  I am praying for God to use her boldness in a mighty way!

As for now.... we are learning how to live with such a head strong little girl.  It was even evident on her Surprise Birthday Day.  (Troy takes off each child's b-day so we can take them somewhere fun for the family.  We put candles in everything they eat, sing, and we all love this tradition!)  

Realizing we were out of eggs, we were limited on what to make for a special birthday breakfast- Oops!  Bi-Rite saved the day!

Then we took them to Hammerman's Beach at Gunpowder State park.  I love it there.  It is like a baby beach- no ocean waves, but sand and shallow water for a day of fun.  I do miss the salt air though!  We packed a lunch...

Waited for the squeals of delight when the bigger kids realized where we were going (which wasn't until we were turning into the parking lot!  How did they forget the ride so fast?) and set up.
This is about where we found out that Ginnie did NOT like the sand.  Not under the umbrella, not the wet sand by the water, not even the sand UNDER the water when we went in!
This is about all she wanted to do, but we kept trying though out the day.
She liked the water, if you kept her feet off the bottom.
And just when we thought the beach wasn't a good way to spend her birthday, she started to enjoy herself!
But she liked Webers farm even better.  Yum, ice cream!  Mini cones to tide them over until dinner at Red Robin's.
We thought she would like the singing and clapping they do for birthdays- nope.  She was a little disturbed.  But the free ice cream made up for that!  We had no idea she would get more ice cream.
We came home to a visit from Aunt Marcy (Ginnie's Godmother) who had a gift in hand.  A new doll stroller.  I am wondering if Ginnie texted Marcy since her old doll stroller broke last week from Ginnie riding in it.  I wouldn't put it past her!
And then, we finished the night off with presents and cake..... ICE CREAM cake, of course!

Happy Birthday Ginnie Jane!

There went July :(

I love Summer.  I want to live in Summer all year long.  I have all but panic attacks when I feel a chilly breeze meaning Fall might be coming.  So, when I see I have only one more day in July I get into "save the last days of Summer mode." 

This year it has meant a whirlwind of thoughts for me, especially when a friend of mine is coming to visit Bmore and we started to talk about what we could do while she and her son were visiting.  I realized that little ole hayseed me, with four kids 6 and under could not do a lot of things downtown.  IF the older 2 were wonderful listeners and helpers, I could probably bring the double stroller for the younger 2 right?  Well, Houdini Ginnie can get herself out of the 5 pt harness, so it only gives me a few mins of safe time if I have to feed Maggie.  Plus, I can't expect her to be happy sitting there all day.  Oh, and did I mention that she can reach Maggie in the double stroller???  Now I'm in protection mode.  I feel my shoulders tensing up.

It all comes down to, Do I stay or Do I go?  I need my backup plans in place.  I need my GPS.  I need to count to 10, breath deeply, and remember that people come out alive from downtown every day. 

That is just one day we are talking about!  Then I think about the bigger picture.... the whole summer....... the whole year!  Ok, let's not get ahead of ourselves.  Back to the Summer.  (BTW- When does one need to capitalize the seasons?  Every time?)  Here are some of my inner struggles.

We have a new baby, it is ok to stay home every day.
But what about Summer outings that create great memories like the beach?

This is only a season in my life, we will be able to do more in a few years.
But the kids want to do more NOW.

It will soon get colder and you will lose the chance to be outside as often.
But other kids will be in school and we get the zoo (among other places) to ourselves!

We haven't seen many of our friends, and inviting them over is hard since we don't run the AC much (we want to KEEP our friends and not sweat them out!).
But, I kind of like the privacy.
But I miss talking to grown ups.

I guess each season of life has its pros and cons.  I will just have to pray to be more content with where I am, remember to enjoy the kids at this (not easy to travel with) age, and take each day at a time.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Play date

George and I have a play date. We did this last month, when Liv went to a friend's house and I put the little ones down for a nap.  George and I enjoyed our special time by making baseball cupcakes.

Today (in the mid 90's) it is too hot to bake.  Liv is hanging at her buddy, Gerry's house with their friend Alyssa.  George and I are deciding what to do.....

So I started to ask him questions, real personal like.

What is your favorite color?
 Blue, and Brown, and orange, and white.... and well, I just love them all!

What is your favorite food?
Apples and Peaches and Grapes and Strawberries.

What is your favorite toy?
My toy motorcycle and my cowboy stuff..... all of my cowboy stuff, even the things that Livia plays with.

What is your favorite thing to do?
Go to the library, play baseball, swim in our (kiddie) pool, and swing.  I really think I would like to play hide and seek in our (unfinished, messy) basement, but I have never done that.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
A robot.

What do you think of baby Maggie?
I like to hold her because she is too little to hold herself.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Fourth of July Yummies

We got invited to see some fireworks, Army style!  We have friends who live at Ft. Mead and threw a fabulous birthday for America.  We brought stained glass jello stars and red,white, and blue fruit kabobs.  The jiggly snacks were surprisingly easy, taken from here
The fruit kabobs were really an idea to keep the kids busy, and reinforce the definition of patterns.  :)

Summer so far.....

I'm beginning to realize how little time I have to blog these days.  Maybe because we aren't as structured as we are in the school year.  Or maybe it is because we have a newborn, lol.  Either way, I'm going to cheap and lump a bunch of images together to recap some of our summer thus far.... if the baby stays asleep!
Troy took L&G cherry picking at Baughers so we would have some cherries to make the Freedom celebration pies to honor the military/civil servants at church..... and to get L&G out of the house!
We had LOTS of visitors!  Proud Grandpop!
Grammy (who will gladly tell you she has 8 great grandchildren)
There is lots of holding and lots of adoring....
And some simple, but fun family times (Father's Day)
Our friends the Schnurs took Livie for the afternoon so George and I could have some special time (while the little ones slept).  George wanted to make baseball cupcakes in honor of the Orioles game Troy was taking L&G to that week.
We have not planted much this year, but we were sure to have some snacking tomato plants!  As soon as a tomato turns read, the kids eat them.  It is a great way to get them to eat more veggies!
We take a lot of pictures!
She is just like the rest of the kids, LOVES her bath!
Fourth of July Fireworks!  (Gotta love the stunned faces with the flash going off in the dark!)
Special Breakfasts.  Homemade doughnuts, Aunt Winnie style!  (Canned biscuits, fried and glazed)
As if we haven't had enough sweets...... Livia wanted to make flower cupcakes!
I'd show pics of the kids playing in the slip n slide, sprinkler, and other outside games, but I keep forgetting.  We are working off these baked goods between play and sweating to death in the 100 degree heat!

I wonder how we will fill the rest of our summer days?  Oh the possibilities!

Whoa, I need more arms!

So, today was a pioneer woman day.  I got the kids all ready, had my grocery list in hand (written down by isle!), and got them all buckled up and ready to go on our first shopping trip with 4 kids under 6 years old.  I was prepared.  This should be a breeze, right?

I pulled into the parking lot, and was getting the last kid unbuckled when she puked everywhere!  Poor Ginnie!  I cleaned her up the best i could, and buckled the kids back in to go home.  As I was driving, I made my game plan- bring in Maggie first, go back for the kids.  The older ones would go start a bath for Ginnie, while Ginnie and I would strip her and the car seat outside.  Of course Maggie wasn't happy and screamed the whole time.  I brought both babies upstairs to bathe Ginnie.  Maggie was still screaming, but she was safe in her bassinet- ugh.  I'm that Mom who thinks, "If the baby is crying and I can't get to her, at least I know she is alive!"

Liv and George were being big helps.  They got the bath ready, prayed for Ginnie and wanted to be near her to "help."  Liv was so close, she leaned on the shower curtain and the rod broke out of the wall almost falling on Ginnie in the tub!  I caught it, but was stuck holding it while George searched for the screw driver downstairs.  George is not the fastest, or focused at times, and I held that shower curtain, with a wet, whimpering baby in the tub, and a screaming mad baby in the other room, for a good 5 mins!  He finally found it and I took off the whole curtain and rod.  (Liv was very upset, apologizing the whole time.)  This is where I had to close my eyes and pray for God's grace!

I let the older kids take a bath, since the tub was full, and that kept them busy while I dressed Ginnie and calmed down Mags.  Then, L&G helped by bringing down the rest of the dirty clothes AND started lunch, while I had to feed Maggie.  Poor Ginnie had to sit on the couch and wait for Maggie to eat before I could hold her.  She started to fall asleep sitting up!  I got a quick video.

Now, the babies are sleeping, the car is scrubbed out, the car seat cover is in the wash.  Phew!  It is only noon!!!  Yikes!  I hope the rest of the day is not as eventful.  Maybe we will just do a quick shopping trip.  J/K!!!!


Friday, July 2, 2010

NAK is not as easy as it looks

I had ideas that I would be able to get all sorts of computer work/play done while I was nursing Maggie every 2-3 hrs.  How silly of me to forget that NAK (Nursing At Keyboard) is for browsing only.  It only leaves me with one hand to type, and that equals FRUSTRATION!  IF (and that is a big IF) you get any message from me, please excuse the typos, lack of capitol letters, and punctuation. 

I have so many things to blog about, but time is precious these days.  I get lots of time to check mail/fb/and my fav bargain board while feeding Mags, but not much time to sit and reply, unless I completely ignore the house and kids.  And kids whine if you don't feed them once in while.  So, for my sanity, I'll be posting more pics than elaborated entries.  I might go back and embellish them with words when Maggie and I get more into a schedule.  Maybe....