
This is nothing special, well to you anyway. I'm not a scrapbook type, or a baby book writer, or even a picture printer. I'm terrible at recording memories. This blog is my attempt at holding on to some of my life as a Christian, a wife, and a homeschooling Mom of 5. I am a country girl that lived in a big city for 14 years, and moved to the Deep South for quiet, quaint, small town living.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Another summer tradition- Father's Day cherry picking!  
We started a little earlier than Father's day this year.
And I'm just now getting to putting up pictures.
They each have it in their mind the best cherries are the highest ones.
The visual person in me thought it would be neat if Liv could climb through the tree to see the surrounding farm from that vantage point, but the Mother in me beat that thought down and it never left my brain.  I'm still shocked the kids didn't try.
Maggie was sneaky.  As I was picking with her in the sling, she would help herself.
It was a little frustrating since I was not exactly still and pulling the cherries off was not as easy as it looked for a little one year old.
She was determined and resourceful..
I had to fish a few pits out of her mouth that day.  I was afraid to wear her on my back or I might miss the cherry stealing!
We even grabbed a peck of peas too!  George surprised me by sitting for over an hour tirelessly shelling them with me.  I love it when he can prove to me he CAN hold his attention to complete a task.  Not to mention it was a huge help to me!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Rainbows and Prims Awards

I'm so proud of my bigger little people.
Coming from a girl who NEVER got a gold star in Sunday school for reciting her memory very perfectly, I'm ecstatic that my babies are learning scripture.

During the Rainbows Awards ceremony, George even spoke a verse out loud for the congregation!
He has graduated from two years of Rainbows, earning all the badges available to him.
Next year he moves out of the coed pre-school group 
to the Boy's ministry of Royal Rangers!!

Livia completed her first year of Prims in Girl's ministries.
She has all the badges she could earn this year also.
It is just a shame her Momma has to staple them on for lack of sewing skills!

Her teachers invest in her completely and wholeheartedly. 
I think I adore them as much as Liv does!

It takes a lot to raise up a child in the way they should go.
Prayer, discipleship, modeling, more prayer....
I know we need help.
I'm so thankful for a church that offers a place for our children to grow in the Lord!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Strawberry Fun

We are some pick your own kind of people.  I can't think of anything bad about it, except the seasons are just too short!
We learned this year that Maggie can sit in her own berry box and just chow down while we work.
They have all put in some effort this year.  Not just eating.  We are still picking about the same amount, but the time goes by so much faster.
Liv didn't work as long as George.  She took a camera break.  How do I know?  I see lots of pics I could have taken then I come across this one....
I still laugh that she knows how to do this.
We packed a lunch and found a shady spot under a willow tree by the pond.  
(Notice his hair?  I'm posting a little out of order since I forgot a file of pictures!)
We love Lohr's Orchard for strawberries, apples and pumpkins because it so small and quiet.  Perfect for a man that needs to stay away from crowds.  Oh, and he can't eat any of the fresh picked goodies either!  Doctor's orders.  I never knew I would hear a Doctor say not to eat your fruits or veggies.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Beach Time

I thought a morning at Hammerman's beach would be just what we needed to really feel like we have entered into summer.  I thought it would be a fun day playing in the sand and water.  I thought all the kids would gratefully chant, "we love you Momma!" in their angelic voices.....

Only Liv and George got that memo.

 I thought Ginnie surely couldn't remember that she hated the sand and water on her birthday last year.  She barely tolerated walking to the umbrella.  She wouldn't even get in the water WITH me. 
 She was obsessed with the "mess" on the towel and kept trying to clean everything off with a baby wipe.  You can imagine how frustrating that was for her (and me!).
 So the girls sat and ate gold fish until after our picnic lunch.  I just had to pack them up and go home after that.  I felt bad for the older ones, but it was not easy keeping Maggie from eating sand and Ginnie from crying.
On a bright note, our new umbrella was awesome!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hambone Part Two

Nothing like a little apple and cheese snack break, and a camera near by.  
No great pictures, but she loved the attention!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Not sure how to take this

We are still working on Liv's math since we switched around curriculum so much this year and are now behind.  It still isn't our favorite thing.  
Yes, I said our.  I'm not a fan either. 

I'm just hoping to chalk this sleeping mathematician up to a big day running around in the fun summer air, and not her boredom with sums.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

One more thing....

Some days I feel like our "To Do List" is miles long.  
I hate to add to it, when taking things off takes so long. 
Sometimes it is money, time, motivation that stretches out our goals.
This time it is just not wanting to add one more thing.

 I would love a line to hang my clothes, and diapers to dry. 
But for the sake of the ever growing list, the deck railing will do.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Backyard Fun

The backyard is our main play area in the Spring, Summer and Fall.
Since it felt like we hardly had a Spring, we are finally in business!
Roses are blooming.
 Bunnies are less shy.
 Maggie gets a new swing for her birthday.
 That she loves,
 and the kids love,
 and I love, because it keeps them busy
 and the baby safe since she is starting to get around a bit on her own.
 Thanks so some friends, we got a trampoline.
It has already proven to be hours of entertainment!
It is times like this I wonder if we will ever get back to school in the Fall.

Monday, June 13, 2011

A Learning Experience

This whole chemo road is a learning experience for all of us.  
You name it, we are learning it.
George seems to have the most questions about the process, but there are no children allowed in the treatment rooms.  So, pictures will have to do.

"Why does it have to take so long?" 
(The long week is 5 days in a row for 6.5-7.5 hrs on average.)
Well, George, I'm not sure why it takes so long some days.  I do know that he needs a LOT of medicine and it drips in slowly.  It might hurt, or not work very well if it went too fast.
 "How does the medicine get into his body?"
The catheter in his arm is a needle that lets the medicine into his blood.
"Do Doctors put the medicine in or robots?"
Doctors and nurses AND a sort of robot help the medicine go in. 

"Oh, and is the medicine Blue?"
No, sorry.  It is clear.
"Well, if I need that medicine, I want it to be Blue."

Any more questions?
"I'll ask you when I think of them."
I'm looking forward to it.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Where you thinking Troy's?  Yes, he got a shorter do before the chemo buzz, but that is not the dramatic change I'm referring to now.

Liv has wanted short hair ever since Pre-school when her classmate, Paige sported a little bob.  I was a little attached to her finally growing locks (she was bald for two years!) and just trimmed here and there.  The following year, she was in ballet and I talked her into keeping her long hair so she could wear a bun, like other ballerinas.  This year, I could only hold it off until after my sister's wedding (I wanted a curly up-do for her as flower girl).

 So we chopped it off!
 I added some chunky layers for fun.
 We were both happy we remembered to do it outside so we didn't have to clean up every little hair, just most of it.
Liv and I are both happy with the result.  She can still pull it up into a pony tail (that she learned to put in herself!) and it has to be much cooler.  Perfect timing with the 100 degree days!