Another summer tradition- Father's Day cherry picking!
We started a little earlier than Father's day this year.
And I'm just now getting to putting up pictures.
They each have it in their mind the best cherries are the highest ones.
The visual person in me thought it would be neat if Liv could climb through the tree to see the surrounding farm from that vantage point, but the Mother in me beat that thought down and it never left my brain. I'm still shocked the kids didn't try.
Maggie was sneaky. As I was picking with her in the sling, she would help herself.
It was a little frustrating since I was not exactly still and pulling the cherries off was not as easy as it looked for a little one year old.
She was determined and resourceful..
I had to fish a few pits out of her mouth that day. I was afraid to wear her on my back or I might miss the cherry stealing!
We even grabbed a peck of peas too! George surprised me by sitting for over an hour tirelessly shelling them with me. I love it when he can prove to me he CAN hold his attention to complete a task. Not to mention it was a huge help to me!