
This is nothing special, well to you anyway. I'm not a scrapbook type, or a baby book writer, or even a picture printer. I'm terrible at recording memories. This blog is my attempt at holding on to some of my life as a Christian, a wife, and a homeschooling Mom of 5. I am a country girl that lived in a big city for 14 years, and moved to the Deep South for quiet, quaint, small town living.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The waiting is almost over!

This summer has been filled with waiting. 
I wish I can say I've gotten better at enduring the wait,
but I'm not so sure.

Tomorrow are the 3 CT scans Troy needs for the doctors to see if the Chemo has done it's job.
Wednesday is his big appointment with his Oncologist.
Finally, some answers!

But answers give a whole new level of concern.
We could hear
1. The cancer has grown, we need more treatment.
2. The cancer has stayed the same, we need more treatment.
3. The cancer has lessened, we need more treatment.
4. The cancer is gone, we need to monitor in case it comes back.

The math is not promising, but our God is.
" I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart ! I have overcome the world ! " John 16:33 

We are praying the same prayer we have repeated all summer. 
That Troy will be cancer free and can begin this next road to remission!
We thank all those who have been rallied behind us in prayer!

You can trust the very next step to the Lord! 
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." 
Proverbs 16:9

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