
This is nothing special, well to you anyway. I'm not a scrapbook type, or a baby book writer, or even a picture printer. I'm terrible at recording memories. This blog is my attempt at holding on to some of my life as a Christian, a wife, and a homeschooling Mom of 5. I am a country girl that lived in a big city for 14 years, and moved to the Deep South for quiet, quaint, small town living.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Never could imagine how it would work.

I'm a bit of a control freak.  
Not that I'm ever really in control, 
but in my mind I'm the big Kahuna.

So when the issue came up with how to work piano lessons this year,
I freaked a little.

Our favorite piano teacher started homeschooling all of her 3
(when she had 2 in school last year).
That meant, on lesson days, there would be Liv at the piano, and her 3 plus my other 3 to keep occupied and sort of quiet.  All of this in 3 little rooms downstairs.

Ummmm, insert freaking out. 
(Me, not Ms. Gail.  She assured me it will all work out.)

And you know what?

It did....
and is still working out, 2 months later.
Virginia and E play together (sometimes school games, sometimes not).
A, A, and George do their schoolwork with me at the table.
Ms. Gail is at the piano with Liv,
and the baby is sleeping for her morning nap.

I have lots of freak out issues that I am working on, one at a time.
Thank you Lord, for gentle, persisting, friends, and patience and mercy on your part with me.

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