
This is nothing special, well to you anyway. I'm not a scrapbook type, or a baby book writer, or even a picture printer. I'm terrible at recording memories. This blog is my attempt at holding on to some of my life as a Christian, a wife, and a homeschooling Mom of 5. I am a country girl that lived in a big city for 14 years, and moved to the Deep South for quiet, quaint, small town living.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Always Entertaining

I'm not even sure which cat this is, since they look so much alike.
On thing is for sure, they crack us up!
Buddy or Jovie is just chilling on the banister. 
No, he or she just didn't slip into this awkward position, 
he or she has been up there for about 15 mins before I took the picture.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The verdict is in!

Read here about our long summer and what the Doctors are saying now.
Praising the Lord through it all!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Yes, Virginia, it IS like a giant sand box!

We are trying to fit in a little of Summer before it leaves us to the cold hard scheduling of Fall.
For me, that means Beach time!

We love to go to a tiny local beach (obviously not ocean side!) to avoid the crowds, travel cost, (plus every other cost a beach vacation racks up) the calm water, and not to mention the ease of last minute trips because the weather is just THAT lovely. 

Well, Virginia decided she hated the water and sand, wet or dry.  I couldn't just make fun beach runs with the kids (alone) with her screaming, whining, and clawing up my arm so the "dirty" sand would not get on her.  One of the nice days that Troy felt good (but his counts were low) we went for a morning outing.  I didn't pack swim suits or even an umbrella.  Just some buckets, shovels, and blanket and 2 towels. 

And what do you know???  Virginia actually played in the sand!

"It's like a big sandbox!"
"Why didn't I listen to my Momma in the first place?"
Ok, she didn't say the second part, but should have!
I don't know what was different this time, 
but I try not to bend my mind around her reasoning.
It hurts my head.
Liv spent a lot of time just running in the shallows.
George was the first to get completely soaked, of course.
And Maggie acted like a normal baby.  
She played in the sand with some coaxing....
Loved the whole family beach day idea....
But wasn't very fond of the water.
She was all smiles again once in the sand,
and taking her own facebook profile pic.
Speaking of posing..... girlfriend loves the camera, but is so shy around people.  
I don't get it... uh, my head.

Here is George giving us a proper sand mixing tutorial.

Friday, August 19, 2011

(Very late) July Birthdays

I have been putting off posting about the end of July for a while.  
I do have loads of pictures with a fun birthday weekend before the miscarriage, and of course the little celebrations during and after that hard time.  
Since Troy's blood cell counts were high and he was feeling good, we made plans for our traditional birthday surprise outings.  They just couldn't be on the actual birthdays.  Liv and Ginnie's birthdays landed in the middle of one of his long, hard chemo weeks.

Here is a little recap.

 We visited the American Visionary Art Museum.
 They loved the outside exhibits.

 Lunch was Livia's traditional P.F. Chang pick.
 Our 3rd year in a row!

 A bonus trip to IKEA where the 3 oldest could play while Troy, Maggie and I picked up a few things.
 Then a quick stop at the Avenue for penny tossing in the fountain 
and milkshakes on the 101 degree day!

 Tuesday was Ginnie's b-day.  
Her presents and cupcakes happened after a fun day with Maggie and the Knipes, 
including an impromptu birthday party lunch at CFA with lots of friends!
(The big kids spent their last day at nature camp with Kristen's crew)
 I was in the hospital that day, but Aunt Marcy 
(along with Michelle, Charity, Kristen, and Lindsay) 
helped save the day. 
 I decided not to question too much while I was gone.......
 Livia's birthday actually started at Stephanie's for a party
(because I was still recovering and Troy was getting chemo).
Then we came home for presents and dinner with Ciacie.
Liv's dinner pick- cheese burgers.
Apple pie and gourmet cupcakes made her one happy birthday girl!

Troy and I will never forget all the help we had that week.
Because of amazing friends and family, our children never suffered a bit.
In fact, I can only imagine how special and loved they felt.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

And She's OFF!

Maggie is a scooter.  
Not a crawler, or a roller, but a hiney dragging, hands free scooter.

She has started to cruise around the house holding on to furniture or helping hands, and just recently taking bold steps alone!  
She still can't stand without holding on to something, 
so when she falls it is back to scooting.  

We always have someone who is willing to help her practice, 
so I'm sure she will start running soon!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Edit: The wait is NOT almost over

Troy's blood cell count was not high enough for him to get injected with contrast for his CT scans.
Everything has been pushed back another week. 

Lord, I want to be used while we wait!

Monday, August 15, 2011

The waiting is almost over!

This summer has been filled with waiting. 
I wish I can say I've gotten better at enduring the wait,
but I'm not so sure.

Tomorrow are the 3 CT scans Troy needs for the doctors to see if the Chemo has done it's job.
Wednesday is his big appointment with his Oncologist.
Finally, some answers!

But answers give a whole new level of concern.
We could hear
1. The cancer has grown, we need more treatment.
2. The cancer has stayed the same, we need more treatment.
3. The cancer has lessened, we need more treatment.
4. The cancer is gone, we need to monitor in case it comes back.

The math is not promising, but our God is.
" I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart ! I have overcome the world ! " John 16:33 

We are praying the same prayer we have repeated all summer. 
That Troy will be cancer free and can begin this next road to remission!
We thank all those who have been rallied behind us in prayer!

You can trust the very next step to the Lord! 
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." 
Proverbs 16:9