
This is nothing special, well to you anyway. I'm not a scrapbook type, or a baby book writer, or even a picture printer. I'm terrible at recording memories. This blog is my attempt at holding on to some of my life as a Christian, a wife, and a homeschooling Mom of 5. I am a country girl that lived in a big city for 14 years, and moved to the Deep South for quiet, quaint, small town living.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Troy's News

We have been a little out of it lately.  It has been a rought few weeks.  I really have not felt like posting anything and now I'm back logged.  I just mass posted a birthday series because of the amount of pictures I had. 

Troy had surgery a couple of weeks ago.  Everything all happened pretty fast.  I'll let him tell you more, but I wanted everyone to know he is getting lots of love.  Maggie even offered to help his rest.

I love this man beyond words.


  1. i'll be praying for you all! i'm sorry your family is going through this difficult trial. God will see you through to the other side!

  2. Oh Janie! I'm praying for all of you! Thank you for sharing Troy's words - what an amazing testimony to share.

  3. Hugs to your whole family. Remember to be strong and this too shall pass.

  4. You are all in our prayers! May God continue to hold you in the palm of His hand. Colossians 1:17 NIV

    He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

    Much love to you all.......Larissa and all the boys
