
This is nothing special, well to you anyway. I'm not a scrapbook type, or a baby book writer, or even a picture printer. I'm terrible at recording memories. This blog is my attempt at holding on to some of my life as a Christian, a wife, and a homeschooling Mom of 5. I am a country girl that lived in a big city for 14 years, and moved to the Deep South for quiet, quaint, small town living.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Where do YOUR socks go?

There are lots of theories for why socks can go into the laundry as a pair, but come out only one lonely sock. Do they get lost between the dryer and washer? Do they unravel? Does a sneaky sock troll come and eat his fill? Well, I know now. Her name is......


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I declare it Bird Watching day!

Ever since Half day, Livia wants to know what "day" it is. Since I was cleaning out the pantry, I had a few bags of cereal with only a cup or so left (mostly crumbs). I was going to let the kids feed the birds in the yard- then I got an idea (love those things).

I quickly printed a few pictures of local birds, emptied the crumbs in 2 bowls, and got some trays and the camera.The kids took turns tiptoing in the yard, one at a time (because we don't want to scare away any potential customers to the back yard restaurant) and sprinkled the crumbs around.Then we made little bird baths with the trays.

Then we waited. Got bored pretty fast so they pretended to be birds (complete with gummy worms in their mouths).

My zoom wasn't working on my camera and I was getting a little frustrated. But we did see about 5 different kind of birds and two rabbits (yay- bonus!).We ate lunch on the deck while we watched and waited. It was really fun, and the kids learned to match the birds to the pictures to identify them.

Livia is asking what "day" tomorrow will be, and has suggested headband day. hmmmmm.....

You are speaking Latin! uh huh, I'm smart like that.

Rosetta Stone Latin Contest here

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day to Me!

I'm not a fan of Mother's day. I miss my Mom the most on this day. So, if I ignore all the talk about Mother's day and just think that my kids and husband are extra adoring, it becomes all about me and no one else. Maybe I should think like this everyday!

We skipped church. (I have bawled like a baby the last 4 years, so the new tactic of ignoring Mother's day would mean not hearing a sermon on loving your Mother) Troy and the kids gave me a new Bible. I have been wanting the Message for a while. And Liv made me a bookmark to go with a journal she got at school. I went to the store to pick up some ingredients for a special dinner. Shopping alone is still a lovely treat, I don't take that for granted. I wanted to note, I did make dinner, but I wanted to, I knew exactly want I wanted and how I wanted it. It is stressful to take 3 young kids to a crowed restaurant, so why bother when I'd be happier at home? We also did some yard work, played outside, and chilled out. It was a nice, slow day.

This was our dinner. YUM!

Lobster, corn on the cob, spinach salad
with toasted bread spread with goat cheese and roasted peppers.

And Dessert
Vanilla and Cocconut cream pastries
with strawberries and blackberries

Day off of life!

So, what does a couple do when they have no responsibilities? When sweet, wonderful friends take all of their children far, far away? They go HOG WILD! Troy and I had a couple of weeks to figure out what we wanted to do all day by ourselves. It was very difficult (at least for a high strung planner like myself). Productivity or Pleasure? I lean towards being productive, and Troy leans towards pleasure (he is a hard worker, he won't say it but I know he just wants some fun time). So, we left the house to get Starbucks, price an Amish picnic table, and head to the shooting range! I've never been to an indoor range, and Troy and I have never been shooting together. (ummm, and we are pretty good shots too!) Then we went to dinner at Bahama Breeze (thanks Koops!), then some errands at Joann's, Home Depot (I couldn't help it- had to get some productive activities in!), and finally ended up at Friday's for some free apps (thanks Bzzagent!).

When we got home, the kids were fed, bathed and watching a movie. I have not felt that kind of loving generosity towards my family in a long time. I am deeply grateful! I Love Marcy and Sarah!!! ♥

I LOVE Marcy and Sarah!!!

Who are the most rockn chics I know??? Marcy and Sarah! They took all three of the boogers to the Please Touch Museum in Philly Saturday. Troy and I had the 2/3 of the day to OURSELVES! More on our day later.

Liv and George working at a fast food joint.

George in the flying machine

Liv having Tea, Wonderland Style!

Aunt Marcy and Ginnie playing with the duckies

Sarah dressed like a card in Alice in Wonderland (yes, that is a child's costume!)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Half Day!

Livia asked me what half was. I didn't think she would understand 50%, or equal parts so much, so I declared it HALF DAY! This was lunch.

That night in bed we were reading Farmer Boy together (of the Little House on the Prairie Series- Thanks Christy!) and the Dad was teaching Almonzo about a half dollar. I thought it was cool to circle the day's lessons again. Love it when God does that!

The wounded soldier

Ginnie is a very pleasant baby. She enjoys the outdoors, and animals. One day she will overcome her stationary status and move about the whole world. Please vote her for Miss America (in about 20 years!)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Moses!

Moses (our cat) turned 3 on May 5th. He is a month younger than George. Livia could not understand why it was not a big deal. Everyone else gets a party so Mo should have one too. She decided he needed a cake and presents. Well.... I like cake, and presents for the cat is easy enough (cheap and can be gotten on our regular shopping trips). We invited Kim, Aunt Marcy, Sarah and Zia (Angie) and Troy bbq'ed some chicken and ribs.
Moses had his own special dinner. A fish shaped chicken meal, with a treat as the eye. :)

Then came dessert and presents! The kids helped make the cake and wrap the presents.

We seriously had a great time! I was just doing this to appease the kids, but it might have to be a tradition. I don't consider myself a great hostess, and don't have a lot of time to tend to party details the way I would like, so I usually don't offer up many gatherings. This might have to change in the future- it was totally worth it.

Monday, May 4, 2009

a pretty topsy turvey

Our garden didn't do so well last year. It was just a small plot in the corner of the yard, but we didn't get to harvest anything before rodents got to the produce! The melons didn't get bigger than softballs before getting chewed. So.... I still want home grown veggies. I like the idea of the topsey turvey, but it is u-u-u-gly. I am trying to make my own. I have made three, a sweet pepper and 2 tomatoes. Guess time will tell if it works!