
This is nothing special, well to you anyway. I'm not a scrapbook type, or a baby book writer, or even a picture printer. I'm terrible at recording memories. This blog is my attempt at holding on to some of my life as a Christian, a wife, and a homeschooling Mom of 5. I am a country girl that lived in a big city for 14 years, and moved to the Deep South for quiet, quaint, small town living.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Some Days

I love Home School.

I say, "Go outside and read."
I hear, "Yay!  Can we have a reading picnic???  In our fort???  Pretty please???"
And Liv reads to George and Ginnie.  
Sometimes George takes his own book to browse, but mostly he likes being read to.  
I don't know if Ginnie likes the story, or if she is just there for the food.  
I'm betting the later.

Oh, lovely days, don't go!

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